INR Test Strips URGENT SAFETY NOTICE INR Test Strips made by Roche under the Coaguchek brand have issued an URGENT SAFETY NOTICE. It has been found that the test strips have been giving false INR readings. Are you affected by this notice? Are you, like me,...
Missing Blogs
Missing Blogs Where are all my missing blogs for the last year and a half? It looks like I have fallen off the planet for 18 months. Did you think I had disappeared? No such luck. I am continuing to not only survive but thrive. Within the last 18 months, I have had...
At risk of DVT? – you can still enjoy travel!
At risk of DVT? – you can still enjoy travel! Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is caused by blood clots forming, normally in the larger veins of the leg. During daily activity, our calf muscles contract as we move around. This helps to keep our blood flowing and works to...
Just what is a Mechanical Heart Valve?
Just what is a Mechanical Heart Valve? Your heart has four chambers that ensure blood is continually pumped to your lungs to be oxygenated and then sent around your body. Each chamber contains a valve that lets blood flow forwards and prevents it from flowing back...
The History of Warfarin
The History of Warfarin The discovery of Warfarin was made by chance, much in the way Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. In the early 1920s, an unusual outbreak occurred in the USA and Canada. Cattle were found to be bleeding to death following only minor trauma...
Cath’s Chicken Curry (serves 4)
Cath’s Chicken Curry (serves 4) I love this recipe! So creamy and tasty and yet only 250 calories! I prepare this and pop it in the oven before walking the dog and dinner is ready on my return! Freezes beautifully too! Put in the freezer in individual...
3 Quick Tips from Cath
3 Quick Tips from Cath TIP 1 – Watch Your pH. Warfarin is an acidic medication so you should aim to include plenty of alkaline forming food and drinks in your diet to balance your pH. Alkaline forming foods are things that we eat which will cause our cells to produce...