The gloves are off…..!!!
At last! Summer may actually be reaching us. I can’t believe it is the middle of June and this is the first day that I didn’t wear my gloves in the morning when walking the dog. It’s been a combination of the strange cold weather we have been having this year and me being on warfarin. I think my hat and gloves are the most important part of my wardrobe. I won’t leave home without them!
I never used to have this problem. I used to be an outdoor instructor, working outside in all weathers year-round, and I never had a problem with the cold. Now? Wow, it’s such a different story. I don’t think I have really been warm this year yet. I seem to get extremely cold and then take such a long time warming up. I’ve never had my heating as high. I have also worn thermals for most of the winter. I used to only wear these when I was doing winter sports or working outside all the time. Now I wear them to go into town, to walk the dog, in the house… yikes!
Roll on the summer… and then…
I’m not great with heat either, hahahaha.
Yup, I have never liked it too hot. So, before taking Warfarin, my ideal holiday would probably have been to Alaska but now I think it’s a comfortable cave where there is no change in temperature, year round. Not too hot, not too cold. Happy days.