Haemy appointment

Mar 22, 2016

I went in to get my yearly blood check from the Haematology dept.  Usually I get a bit of a discussion to remind me how little I know about APS and if you remember the last one was when I gave him all my London Bridge letters from Professor Khamashta telling them I had to be on a larger dose of Warfarin.  Which wasn’t met with a lot of enthusiasm but more a ‘well that’s a rheumatologist talking, Im a haematologist. EH?  And?

So I was expecting to be met with much of the same… only to get a state change… wow he was really lovely.  Full of praise that I was managing my warfarin well and was on top of the APS.  He was moving away so said he wouldn’t see me again but wished me well.  Wow! I wasn’t expecting that, and was grateful for the pattern of usual behaviour to be interrupted.  Happy days, I love it when that happens. 🙂